2611 It were to me a grete guerdoun,
2612 Relees of all my passioun.
2613 But it is harde to come therto;
2614 All is but folye that I do,
2615 So high I have myne herte sette,
2616 Where I may no comfort gette.
2617 I wote not where I seye well or nought;
2618 But this I wote wel in my thought,
2619 That it were better of hir Alloone,
2620 fforto stynte my woo and moone,
2621 A loke on hir I caste goodly,
2622 That forto have, al utterly,
2623 Of an other all hoole the pley.
2624 A! lord! where I shall byde the day
2625 That evere she shall my lady be?
2626 He is full cured that may hir see.
2627 A! god! whanne shal the dawnyng springe?
2628 To liggen thus is an angry thyng;
2629 I have no ioye thus heere to lye
2630 Whanne that my love is not me bye.
2631 A man to lyen hath gret disese,
2632 Which may not slepe ne reste in ese.
2633 I wolde it dawed, and were now day,
2634 And that the nyght were went Away;