The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 50 rectoBackBACKBackF49v Folio 49 verso   Folio 50 verso F50v

2587   I wolde this thought wolde come Ageyne,
2588   ffor it aleggith well my peyne.
2589   It makith me full of ioyful thought,
2590   It sleth me, that it lastith noght.
2591   A, lord! why nyl ye me socoure,
2592   The ioye, I trowe, that I langoure?
2593   The deth I wolde me shulde sloo
2594   While I lye in hir armes twoo.
2595   Myne harme is harde, withouten wene,
2596   My gret unease full ofte I meene.
2597   But wolde love do so I myght
2598   Have fully ioye of hir so bright,
2599   My peyne were quytte me rychely.
2600   Allas, to grete a thing aske I!
2601   It is but foly, and wrong wenyng,
2602   To aske so outrageous a thyng.
2603   And who so askith folily,
2604   He mote be warned hastily;
2605   And I ne wote what I may say,
2606   I am so fer out of the way;
2607   ffor I wolde have full gret likyng
2608   And full gret ioye of lasse thing.
2609   ffor wolde she, of hir gentylnesse,
2610   Without more, me oonys kysse,