The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 49 rectoBackBACKBackF48v Folio 48 verso   Folio 49 verso F49v

2539   Seyn, what hem lust, withouten drede,
2540   They be so double in her falshede;
2541   ffor they in herte cunne thenke a thyng
2542   And seyn another, in her spekyng.
2543   And whanne thi speche is eendid All,
2544   Ryght thus to thee it shall byfall;
2545   If ony word thanne come to mynde,
2546   That thou to seye hast left bihynde,
2547   Thanne thou shalt brenne in gret martire;
2548   ffor thou shalt brenne as ony fiere.
2549   This is the stryf and eke the Affray,
2550   And the batell that lastith Ay.
2551   This bargeyn eende may never take,
2552   But if that she thi pees will make.
2553   'And whanne the nyght is comen, Anoon
2554   A thosande angres shall come uppon.
2555   To bedde as fast thou wolt thee dight,
2556   Where thou shalt have but smal delite;
2557   ffor whanne thou wenest forto slepe,
2558   So full of peyne shalt thou crepe,
2559   Sterte in thi bedde aboute full wide,
2560   And turne full ofte on every side;
2561   Now dounward groff, and now upright,
2562   And walowe in woo the longe nyght,