The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 48 versoBackBACKBackF48r Folio 48 recto   Folio 49 recto F49r

2515   ffull fayn thou woldist, but for drede
2516   Thou gost not, lest that men take hede.
2517   Wherfore I rede, in thi goyng,
2518   And also in thyne ageyn comyng,
2519   Thou be well ware that men ne wite;
2520   ffeyne thee other cause than itte
2521   To go that weye, or fast bye;
2522   To hele wel is no folye.
2523   And if so be it happe thee
2524   That thou thi love there maist see,
2525   In siker wise thou hir salewe,
2526   Wherewith thi colour wole transmewe,
2527   And eke thy blode shal alto quake,
2528   Thyne hewe eke chaungen for hir sake.
2529   But word and witte, with chere full pale,
2530   Shull wante forto tell thy tale.
2531   And if thou maist so fer forth wynne,
2532   That thou resoun derst bigynne,
2533   And woldist seyn thre thingis or mo,
2534   Thou shalt full scarsly seyn the two.
2535   Though thou bithenke thee never so well,
2536   Thou shalt foryete yit somdell,
2537   But if thou dele with trecherie.
2538   ffor fals lovers mowe all folye