2491 That thou, so dulle in every thing,
2492 Were dome for drede, with oute spekyng.
2493 Thou shalt eke thenke thou didest folye,
2494 That thou were hir so fast bye,
2495 And durst not auntre thee to say
2496 Som thyng, er thou cam Away;
2497 ffor thou haddist nomore wonne,
2498 To speke of hir whanne thou bigonne:
2499 But yitt she wolde, for thy sake,
2500 In armes goodly thee have take,
2501 It shulde have be more worth to thee
2502 Than of tresour gret plente.
2503 'Thus shalt thou morne and eke compleyne,
2504 And gete enchesoun to goone Ageyne
2505 Unto thi walke, or to thi place,
2506 Where thou biheelde hir fleshly face.
2507 And never, for fals suspeccioun,
2508 Thou woldest fynde Accasioun
2509 fforto gone unto hire hous.
2510 So art thou thanne desirous
2511 A sight of hir forto have,
2512 If thou thine honour myghtist save,
2513 Or ony erande myghtist make
2514 Thider, for thi loves sake;