The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 47 rectoBackBACKBackMissingMissing   Folio 47 verso F47v

2443   And wastest in vayn thi passage.
2444   Thanne fallest thou in a newe rage;
2445   ffor want of sight thou gynnest morne,
2446   And homewarde pensyf dost retorne.
2447   In gret myscheef thanne shalt thou bee,
2448   ffor thanne agayne shall come to thee
2449   Sighes and pleyntes, with newe woo,
2450   That no yecchyng prikketh soo.
2451   Who wote it nought, he may go lere
2452   Of hem that bien love so dere.
2453   'No thyng thyn herte appesen may,
2454   That ofte thou wolt goon and Assay,
2455   If thou maist seen, by Aventure,
2456   Thi lyves ioy, thine hertis cure;
2457   So that, bi grace if thou myght
2458   Atteyne of hire to have a sight,
2459   Thanne shalt thou done noon other dede
2460   But with that sight thyne eyen fede.
2461   That faire fresh whanne thou maist see,
2462   Thynne herte shall so ravysshed be,
2463   That nevere thou woldest, thi thankis, lete,
2464   Ne remove, forto see that swete.
2465   The more thou seest in sothfastnesse,
2466   The more thou coveytest of that swetnesse;