The Romaunt of the Rose
MissingBackMissing Missing   Folio 47 recto F47r

2419   'After, a thought shal take thee so,
2420   That thy love is to fer thee fro:
2421   Thou shalt say, "God, what may this be,
2422   That I ne may my lady see?
2423   Myne herte aloon is to her go,
2424   And I abyde al sole in wo,
2425   Departed fro myn owne thought,
2426   And with myne eyen see right nought.
2427   '"Alas, myn eyen sende I ne may,
2428   My careful herte to convay!
2429   Myn hertes gyde but they be,
2430   I praise no-thing what ever they see.
2431   Shul they abyde thanne? nay;
2432   But goon visyte without delay
2433   That myn herte desyreth so.
2434   For certeynly, but-if they go,
2435   A fool my-self I may wel holde,
2436   Whan I ne see what myn herte wolde.
2437   Wherfore I wol gon her to seen,
2438   Or esed shal I never been,
2439   But I have som tokening."
2440   Then gost thou forth without dwelling;
2441   But ofte thou faylest of thy desyre,
2442   Er thou mayst come hir any nere,