The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 46 versoBackBACKBackF46r Folio 46 recto   Missing Missing

2371   Therfore in oo place it sitte,
2372   And lat it nevere thannys flitte.
2373   ffor if thou yevest it in lenyng,
2374   I holde it but a wrecchid thyng:
2375   Therfore yeve it hoole and quyte,
2376   And thou shalt have the more merite.
2377   If it be lent, than aftir soone,
2378   The bounte and the thank is doone;
2379   But, in love, fre yeven thing
2380   Requyrith a gret guerdonyng.
2381   Yeve it in yift al quyte fully,
2382   And make thi yift debonairly;
2383   ffor men that yift holde more dere
2384   That yeven with gladsome chere.
2385   That yift nought to preisen is
2386   That man yeveth, maugre his.
2387   Whanne thou hast yeven thyn herte, as I
2388   Have seid thee heere openly,
2389   Thanne aventures shull thee fall,
2390   Which harde and hevy ben with All.
2391   ffor ofte whan thou bithenkist thee
2392   Of thy lovyng, where so thou be,
2393   ffro folk thou must departe in hie,
2394   That noon perceyve thi maladie,