The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 46 rectoBackBACKBackF45v Folio 45 verso   Folio 46 verso F46v

2347   That thou the better mayst on hem thenke,
2348   Whether so it be thou wake or wynke;
2349   ffor the wordis litel greve
2350   A man to kepe, whanne it is breve.
2351   'Who so with love wole goon or ride
2352   He mote be curteis, and voide of pride,
2353   Mery and full of iolite,
2354   And of largesse a losed be.
2355   'First I ioyne thee, that heere in penaunce,
2356   That evere, withoute repentaunce,
2357   Thou sette thy thought in thy lovyng,
2358   To laste withoute repentyng;
2359   And thenke upon thi myrthis swete,
2360   That shall folowe aftir whan ye mete.
2361   'And for thou trewe to love shalt be,
2362   I wole, and comaunde thee,
2363   That in oo place thou sette, all hoole,
2364   Thyn herte, withoute halfen doole,
2365   ffor trecherie, and sikernesse;
2366   ffor I lovede nevere doublenesse.
2367   To many his herte that wole departe,
2368   Everiche shal have but litel parte.
2369   But of hym drede I me right nought,
2370   That in oo place settith his thought.