The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 45 versoBackBACKBackF45r Folio 45 recto   Folio 46 recto F46r

2323   ffor if he can wel foote and daunce,
2324   It may hym greetly do Avaunce.
2325   Among eke, for thy lady sake,
2326   Songes and complayntes that thou make;
2327   ffor that wole meven in hir herte,
2328   Whanne they reden of thy smerte.
2329   Loke that no man for scarce thee holde,
2330   ffor that may greve thee many folde.
2331   Resoun wole that a lover be
2332   In his yiftes more large and fre
2333   Than cherles that ben not of lovyng.
2334   ffor who therof can ony thyng,
2335   He shal be leef ay forto yeve,
2336   In londes lore who so wolde leve;
2337   ffor he that, thorough a sodeyn sight,
2338   Or for a kyssyng, anoon right
2339   Yaff hoole his herte in will and thought,
2340   And to hym silf kepith right nought,
2341   Aftir this swiffte, it is good resoun,
2342   He yeve his good in Aboundoun.
2343   'Now woly I shortly heere reherce,
2344   Of that I have seid in verce,
2345   All the sentence by and by,
2346   In wordis fewe compendiously,