The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 44 versoBackBACKBackF44r Folio 44 recto   Folio 45 recto F45r

2275   Alwey be mery, if thou may,
2276   But waste not thi good Alway.
2277   Have hatte of floures as fresh as may,
2278   Chapelett of roses of wissonday;
2279   ffor sich array ne costneth but lite.
2280   Thyn hondis wasshe, thy teeth make white,
2281   And lete no filthe upon thee bee.
2282   Thy nailes blak if thou maist see,
2283   Voide it awey delyverly,
2284   And kembe thyn heed right iolily.
2285   ffarce not thi visage in no wise,
2286   ffor that of love is not themprise;
2287   ffor love doth haten, as I fynde,
2288   A beaute that cometh not of kynde.
2289   Alwey in herte I rede thee
2290   Glad and mery forto be,
2291   And be as ioyfull as thou can;
2292   Love hath no ioye of sorowful man.
2293   That yvell is full of curtesie
2294   That knowith in his maladie;
2295   ffor ever of love the sijknesse
2296   Is meynde with swete and bitternesse.
2297   The sore of love is merveilous;
2298   ffor now the lover ioyous,