The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 44 rectoBackBACKBackF43v Folio 43 verso   Folio 44 verso F44v

2251   ffor queynte array, without drede,
2252   Is no thyng proude, who takith hede;
2253   ffor fresh array, as men may see,
2254   Without pride may ofte be.
2255   'Mayntene thy silf aftir thi rent,
2256   Of robe and eke of garnement;
2257   ffor many sithe faire clothyng
2258   A ma amendith in mych thyng.
2259   And loke alwey that they be shape,
2260   What garnement that thou shalt make,
2261   Of hym that can best do,
2262   With all that pteyneth therto.
2263   Poyntis and sleves be well sittande,
2264   Right and streght on the hande.
2265   Of shone and bootes, newe and faire,
2266   Loke at the leest thou have a paire;
2267   And that they sitte so fetisly,
2268   That these ruyde may uttirly
2269   Merveyle, sith that they sitte so pleyn,
2270   How they come on or off Ageyn.
2271   Were streit gloves, with awmere
2272   Of silk; and alwey with good chere
2273   Thou yeve, if thou have richesse;
2274   And if thou have nought, spende the lesse.