The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 43 versoBackBACKBackF43r Folio 43 recto   Folio 44 recto F44r

2227   ffor I nought holde hym, in good feith,
2228   Curteys, that foule wordis seith.
2229   And all wymmen serve and preise,
2230   And to thy power her honour reise.
2231   And if that ony myssaiere
2232   Dispise wymmen, that thou maist here,
2233   Blame hym, and bidde hym holde hym stille.
2234   And thy myght and all thy wille
2235   Wymmen and ladies forto please,
2236   And to do thyng that may hem ese,
2237   That they ever speke good of thee,
2238   ffor so thou maist best preised be.
2239   'Loke fro pride thou kepe thee wele;
2240   ffor thou maist bothe pceyve and fele,
2241   That pride is bothe foly and synne;
2242   And he that pride hath, hym withynne,
2243   Ne may his herte, in no wise,
2244   Meken ne souplen to servyse.
2245   ffor pride is founde, in every part,
2246   Contrarie unto loves Art.
2247   And he that loveth trewly
2248   Shulde hym contene iolily,
2249   Without pride in sondry wise,
2250   And hym disgysen in queyntise.