The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 43 rectoBackBACKBackF42v Folio 42 verso   Folio 43 verso F43v

2203   Ne say nought, for noon yvel wille,
2204   Thyng that is to holden stille;
2205   It is no worshipe to mysseye.
2206   Thou maist ensample take of keye,
2207   That was somtyme, for mysseiyng,
2208   Hated bothe of olde and yong;
2209   As fer as Gaweyn, the worthy,
2210   Was preised for his curtesie,
2211   Kay was hated, for he was fell,
2212   Of word dispitous and cruell.
2213   Wherfore be wise and Aqueyntable,
2214   Goodly of word, and resonable
2215   Bothe to lesse and eke to more.
2216   And whanne thou comest there men Are,
2217   Loke that thou have in custome Ay
2218   ffirst to salue hym, if thou may:
2219   And if it fall, that of hem some
2220   Salue thee first, be not dome,
2221   But quyte hym curteisly Anoon
2222   Without abidyng, er they goon.
2223   'ffor no thyng eke thy tunge Applye
2224   To speke wordis of rebaudrye.
2225   To vilayne speche in no degre
2226   Late never thi lippe unbounden be.