The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 42 rectoBackBACKBackF41v Folio 41 verso   Folio 42 verso F42v

2155   Now is good to here, in fay,
2156   If ony be that can it say,
2157   And poynte it as the resoun is
2158   Set; for other gate, ywys,
2159   It shal nought well in all thyng
2160   Be brought to good undirstondyng:
2161   ffor a reder that poyntith ille
2162   A good sentence may ofte spille.
2163   The book is good at the eendyng,
2164   Maad of newe and lusty thyng;
2165   ffor who so wole the eendyng here,
2166   The crafte of love he shall mowe lere,
2167   If that ye wole so long Abide,
2168   Tyl I this Romance may unhide,
2169   And undo the signifiaunce
2170   Of this dreme into Romance.
2171   The sothfastnesse that now is hidde,
2172   Without coverture shall be kidde,
2173   Whanne I undon have this dremyng,
2174   Wherynne no word is of lesyng.
2175   'Vilanye, atte the bigynnyng,
2176   I wole,' say love, 'over all thyng,
2177   Thou leve, if thou wolt be
2178   ffals, and trespasse ageyns me.