The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 41 versoBackBACKBackF41r Folio 41 recto   Folio 42 recto F42r

2131   Where that thou servest with good wille,
2132   Forto compleysshen and fulfille
2133   My comaundementis, day and nyght,
2134   Whiche I to lovers yeve of right.'
2135   'A, sire, for goddis love,' seide I,
2136   'Er ye passe hens, ententyfly
2137   Youre comaundementis to me ye say,
2138   And I shal kepe hem, if I may;
2139   ffor hem to kepen is all my thought.
2140   And if so be I wote hem nought,
2141   Thanne may I unwityngly.
2142   Wherfore I pray you enterely,
2143   With all myn herte, me to lere,
2144   That I trespasse in no manere.'
2145   The god of love thanne chargide me
2146   Anoon, as ye shall here and see,
2147   Worde by worde, by right emprise,
2148   So as the Romance shall devise.
2149   The maister lesith his tyme to lere,
2150   Whanne that the disciple wole not here.
2151   It is but veyn on hym to swynke,
2152   That on his lernyng wole not thenke.
2153   Who so luste love, late hym entende,
2154   ffor now the Romance bigynneth to Amende.