2107 I seye nought for recreaundise,
2108 ffor I nought doute of youre servise.
2109 But the servaunt traveileth in vayne,
2110 That forto serven doth his payne
2111 Unto that lord, which in no wise
2112 Kan hym no thank for his servyse.'
2113 Love seide, 'Dismaie thee nought,
2114 Syn thou for sokour hast me sought,
2115 In thank thi servise wole I take,
2116 And high of degre I wole thee make,
2117 If wikkidnesse ne hyndre thee;
2118 But, (as I hope), it shal nought be.
2119 To worshipe no wight by Aventure
2120 May come, but if he peyne endure.
2121 Abide and suffre thy distresse;
2122 That hurtith now, it shal be lesse;
2123 I wote my silf what may thee save,
2124 What medicyne thou woldist have.
2125 And if thi trouthe to me thou kepe,
2126 I shal unto thyn helpyng eke,
2127 To cure thy woundes and make hem clene,
2128 Where so they be olde or grene;
2129 Thou shalt be holpen, at wordis fewe.
2130 ffor certeynly thou shalt well shewe