The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 40 versoBackBACKBackF40r Folio 40 recto   Folio 41 recto F41r

2083   Quod love, 'and fully I Acorde;
2084   ffor of the body he is full lord
2085   That hath the herte in his tresour;
2086   Outrage it were to asken more.'
2087   Thanne of his awmener he drough
2088   A litell keye, fetys ynowgh,
2089   Which was of gold polisshed clere,
2090   And seide to me, 'With this keye heere
2091   Thyn herte to me now wole I shette;
2092   ffor all my iowell loke and knette
2093   I bynde undir this litel keye,
2094   That no wight may carie Aweye;
2095   This keye is full of gret poeste.'
2096   With which anoon he touchide me
2097   Undir the side full softly,
2098   That he myn herte sodeynly
2099   Without anoye hadde spered,
2100   That yit right nought it hath me dered.
2101   Whanne he hadde don his will al oute,
2102   And I hadde putte hym out of doute,
2103   'Sire,' I seide, 'I have right gret wille
2104   Youre lust and plesaunce to fulfille.
2105   Loke ye my servise take atte gree,
2106   By thilke feith ye owe to me.