The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 40 rectoBackBACKBackF39v Folio 39 verso   Folio 40 verso F40v

2059   That thou were fals it were gret reuthe,
2060   Sith thou semest so full of treuthe.'
2061   'Sire, if thee lyst to undirstande,
2062   I merveile the askyng this demande.
2063   ffor why or wherfore shulde ye
2064   O stages or borwis aske of me,
2065   Or ony other sikirnesse,
2066   Sith ye wole, in sothfastnesse,
2067   That ye have me surprised so,
2068   And hole myn herte taken me fro,
2069   That it wole do for me no thing
2070   But if it be at youre biddyng?
2071   Myn herte is youres, and myn right nought,
2072   As it bihoveth, in dede and thought,
2073   Redy in all to worche youre will,
2074   Whether so turne to good or ill.
2075   So sore it lustith you to plese,
2076   No man therof may you desese.
2077   Ye have theron sette sich iustice,
2078   That it is werreid in many wise.
2079   And if ye doute it nolde obeye,
2080   Ye may therof do make a keye,
2081   And holde it with you for ostage.'
2082   'Now certis, this is noon outrage,'