The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 39 versoBackBACKBackF39r Folio 39 recto   Folio 40 recto F40r

2035   I bicome his man Anoon,
2036   And gave hym thankes many Aoon,
2037   And knelide doun with hondis ioynt,
2038   And made it in my port full queynt;
2039   The ioye wente to myn herte rote.
2040   Whanne I hadde kissed his mouth so swote,
2041   I hadde sich myrthe and sich likyng,
2042   It cured me of langwisshing.
2043   He askide of me thanne hostages:
2044   'I have,' he seide, 'taken fele homages
2045   Of oon and other, where I have bene
2046   Disteyned ofte, withouten wene.
2047   These felouns, full of falsite,
2048   Have many sithes biguyled me,
2049   And thorough her falshede her lust ,
2050   Wherof I repente and am Agreved.
2051   And I hem gete in my daungere,
2052   Her falshede shull they bie full dere.
2053   But for I love thee, I seie thee pleyn,
2054   I wole of thee be more certeyn;
2055   ffor thee so sore I wole now bynde,
2056   That thou away ne shalt not wynde
2057   fforto denyen the covenaunt,
2058   Or don that is not Avenaunt.