The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 39 rectoBackBACKBackF38v Folio 38 verso   Folio 39 verso F39v

2011   He mote endure, and eke travaile,
2012   That shal me serve, without faile.
2013   But ther ageyns, thee to comforte,
2014   And with thi servise to desporte,
2015   Thou mayst full glad and ioyfull be
2016   So good a maister to have as me,
2017   And lord of so high renoun.
2018   I bere of love the gonfenoun,
2019   Of curtesie the banere;
2020   ffor I am of the silf manere,
2021   Gentil, curteys, meke and fre;
2022   That who ever ententyf be
2023   Me to honoure, doute, and serve,
2024   And also that he hym observe
2025   ffro trespasse and and fro vilanye,
2026   And hym governe in curtesie
2027   With will and with entencioun;
2028   ffor whanne he first in my prisoun
2029   Is caught, thanne must he uttirly,
2030   ffro thens forth full bisily,
2031   Caste hym gentyll forto bee,
2032   If he desire helpe of me.'
2033   Anoon without more delay,
2034   Withouten daunger or Affray,