The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 38 versoBackBACKBackF38r Folio 38 recto   Folio 39 recto F39r

1987   That thou art gentyll, by thi speche.
1988   ffor though a man fer wolde seche,
1989   He shulde not fynden, in certeyn,
1990   No sich answer of no vileyn;
1991   ffor sich a word ne myght nought
1992   Isse out of a vilayns thought.
1993   Thou shalt not lesen of thi speche,
1994   ffor thy helpyng wole I eche,
1995   And eke encresen that I may.
1996   But first I wole that thou obaye
1997   ffully, for thyn Avauntage,
1998   Anoon to do me heere homage.
1999   And sith kisse thou shalt my mouthe,
2000   Which to no vilayn was never couthe
2001   fforto aproche it, ne forto touche;
2002   ffor sauff of cherlis I ne vouche
2003   That they shull never neigh it nere.
2004   ffor curteis, and of faire manere,
2005   Well taught, and full of gentilnesse
2006   He must ben, that shal me kysse,
2007   And also of full high ffraunchise,
2008   That shal atteyne to that emprise.
2009   And first of o thing warne I thee,
2010   That peyne and gret Adversite