The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 38 rectoBackBACKBackF37v Folio 37 verso   Folio 38 verso F38v

1963   Comfort or helthe how shuld I have,
1964   Sith ye me hurt, but ye me save?
1965   The helthe of love mut be founde
1966   Where as they token firste her wounde.
1967   And if ye lyst of me to make
1968   Youre prisoner, I wole it take
1969   Of herte and will, fully at gree.
1970   Hoolly and pleyn y yelde me,
1971   Without feynyng or feyntise,
1972   To be governed by youre emprise.
1973   Of you I here so mych pris,
1974   I wole ben hool at youre devis
1975   fforto fulfille youre lykyng
1976   And repente for no thyng,
1977   Hopyng to have yit in som tide
1978   Mercy, of that I Abide.'
1979   And with that covenaunt yelde I me,
1980   Anoon down knelyng upon my kne,
1981   Proferyng forto kisse his feete;
1982   But for no thyng he wolde lete,
1983   And seide, 'I love thee bothe and preise,
1984   Sen that thyn aunswar doth me ease,
1985   ffor thou answerid so curteisly.
1986   ffor now I wote wel uttirly,