The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 37 versoBackBACKBackF37r Folio 37 recto   Folio 38 recto F38r

1939   Be meke, where thou must nedis bowe;
1940   To stryve ageyn is nought thi prowe.
1941   Come at oones, and have y doo,
1942   ffor I wole that it be soo.
1943   Thanne yelde thee heere debonairly.'
1944   And I answerid ful hombly,
1945   'Gladly, sir; at youre biddyng,
1946   I wole me yelde in al thyng.
1947   To youre servyse I wole me take;
1948   ffor god defende that I shulde make
1949   Ageyn youre biddyng resistence;
1950   I wole not don so grete offence;
1951   ffor if I dide, it were no skile.
1952   Ye may do with me what ye wile,
1953   Save or spille, and also sloo;
1954   ffro you in no wise may I goo.
1955   My lyf, my deth, is in youre honde,
1956   I may not laste out of youre bonde.
1957   Pleyn at youre lyst I yelde me,
1958   Hopyng in herte, that sumtyme ye
1959   Comfort and ese shull me sende;
1960   Or ellis shortly, this is the eende,
1961   Withouten helthe I mote ay dure,
1962   But if ye take me to youre cure.