1891 Upon the woundes that he hadde
1892 That he hadde the body hole made
1893 To helpe hir sores, and to cure,
1894 And that they may the bette endure.
1895 But yit this arwe, without more,
1896 Made in myn herte a large sore,
1897 That in full grete peyne I Abode.
1898 But ay the oynement wente Abrode;
1899 Thourgh oute my woundes large and wide
1900 It spredde aboute in every side;
1901 Thorough whos vertu and whos myght
1902 Myn herte ioyful was and light.
1903 I hadde ben deed and alto shent
1904 But for the precious oynement.
1905 The shaft I drowe out of the Arwe,
1906 Rokyng for wo right wondir narwe;
1907 But the heed, which made me smerte,
1908 Lefte bihynde in myn herte
1909 With other foure, I dar wel say,
1910 That never wole be take Away;
1911 But the oynement halpe me wele.
1912 And yit sich sorwe dide I fele,
1913 That al day I chaunged hewe,
1914 Of my woundes fresshe and newe,