The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 35 versoBackBACKBackF35r Folio 35 recto   Folio 36 recto F36r

1843   But o thing lyked me right well;
1844   I was so nygh, I myght fele
1845   Of the bothom the swote odour,
1846   And also se the fresshe colour;
1847   And that right gretly liked me,
1848   That I so neer myght it se.
1849   Sich ioie anoon therof hadde I,
1850   That I forgate my maladie.
1851   To sene I hadde siche delit,
1852   Of sorwe and angre I was al quyte,
1853   And of my woundes that I hadde thore;
1854   ffor no thing liken me myght more
1855   Than dwellen by the roser Ay,
1856   And thens never to passe Away.
1857   But whanne a while I hadde be thare,
1858   The god of love, which alto share
1859   Myn herte with his arwis kene,
1860   Castith hym to yeve me woundis grene.
1861   He shette at me full hastily
1862   An arwe named company,
1863   The which takell is full Able
1864   To make these ladies merciable.
1865   Thanne I anoon gan chaungen hewe
1866   ffor grevaunce of my wounde newe,