The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 35 rectoBackBACKBackF34v Folio 34 verso   Folio 35 verso F35v

1819   ffor evermore gladly, as I rede,
1820   Brent child of fier hath mych drede.
1821   And, certis yit, for al my peyne,
1822   Though that I sigh yit arwis reyne,
1823   And grounde quarels sharpe of steell,
1824   Ne for no payne that I myght feell,
1825   Yit myght I not my silf witholde
1826   The faire roser to biholde;
1827   For love me yaf sich hardement
1828   fforto fulfille his comaundement.
1829   Upon my fete I rose up thanne
1830   ffeble, as a forwoundid man;
1831   And forth to gon myght I sette,
1832   And for the archer nolde I lette.
1833   Toward the roser fast I drowe;
1834   But thornes sharpe mo than ynowe
1835   Ther were, and also thisteles thikke,
1836   And breres, brymme forto prikke,
1837   That I ne myght gete grace
1838   The rowe thornes forto passe,
1839   To sene the roses fresshe of hewe.
1840   I must abide, though it me rewe,
1841   The hegge aboute so thikke was,
1842   That closide the roses in compas.