The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 34 versoBackBACKBackF34r Folio 34 recto   Folio 35 recto F35r

1795   Aftir the herte; in wele and woo,
1796   Of force togidre they must goo.
1797   But never this archer wolde feyne
1798   To shete at me with all his peyne,
1799   And forto make me to hym mete.
1800   The thridde arowe he gan to shete,
1801   Whanne best his tyme he myght espie,
1802   The which was named curtesie;
1803   Into myn herte it dide Avale.
1804   A swoone I fell, bothe deed and pale;
1805   Long tyme I lay, and stired nought,
1806   Till I abraide out on my thought.
1807   And faste thanne I avysede me
1808   To drawe out the shafte of tree;
1809   But evere the heed was left bihynde
1810   ffor ought I couthe pulle or wynde.
1811   So sore it stikith whanne I was hit,
1812   That by no craft I might it flit;
1813   But anguyssous and full of thought,
1814   I lefte sich woo, my wounde ay wrought,
1815   That somonede me al way to goo
1816   Toward the rose, that plesede me soo;
1817   But I ne durste in no manere,
1818   Bi cause the archer was so nere.