The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 34 rectoBackBACKBackF33v Folio 33 verso   Folio 34 verso F34v

1771   And Love hadde gete hym, in his throwe,
1772   Another arowe into his bowe,
1773   And forto shete gan hym dresse;
1774   The arowis name was symplesse.
1775   And whanne that love gan nyghe me nere,
1776   He drowe it up, withouten were,
1777   And shette at me with all his myght,
1778   So that this arowe anoon right
1779   Thourgh out eigh, as it was founde,
1780   Into myn herte hath maad a wounde.
1781   Thanne I anoon dide al my crafte
1782   fforto drawen out the shafte,
1783   And therwith all I sighede efte.
1784   But in myn herte the heed was lefte,
1785   Which ay encreside my desire,
1786   Unto the bothom drawe nere;
1787   And evermo that me was woo,
1788   The more desir hadde I to goo
1789   Unto the roser, where that grewe
1790   The freysshe bothum so bright of hewe.
1791   Betir me were to have laten be;
1792   But it bihovede nedes me
1793   To done right as myn herte badde.
1794   ffor evere the body must be ladde