The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 33 versoBackBACKBackF33r Folio 33 recto   Folio 34 recto F34r

1747   So at the last the shaft of tree
1748   I drough out, with the fethers thre.
1749   But atte the hokede heed, ywis,
1750   The which it beaute callid is,
1751   Gan so depe in myn herte passe,
1752   That I it myght nought Arace;
1753   But in myn herte still it stode,
1754   Al bledde I not a drope of blode.
1755   I was bothe anguyssous and trouble
1756   ffor the pill that I sawe double;
1757   I nyste what to seye or do,
1758   Ne gete a leche my woundis two;
1759   ffor neithir thurgh gras ne rote,
1760   Ne hadde I helpe of hope ne bote.
1761   But to the bothum evermo
1762   Myn herte drewe; for all my wo,
1763   My thought was in noon other thing.
1764   ffor hadde it ben in my kepyng,
1765   It wolde have brought my lyf Agayn.
1766   ffor certis evenly, I dar wel seyn,
1767   The sight oonly, and the savour,
1768   Alegged mych of my langour.
1769   Thanne gan I forto drawe me
1770   Toward the bothom faire to se;