1723 He toke an arowe full sharply whette,
1724 And in his bowe whanne it was sette,
1725 He streight up to his ere drough
1726 The stronge bowe, that was so tough,
1727 And shette att me so wondir smert,
1728 That thorough me nye unto myn herte
1729 The takel smote, and depe it wente.
1730 And ther with all such colde me hente,
1731 That, under clothes warme and softe,
1732 Sithen that day I have chevered ofte.
1733 Whanne I was hurt thus in stounde,
1734 I felle doun platte unto the grounde.
1735 Myn herte failed and feynted Ay,
1736 And long tyme a swone I lay.
1737 But whanne I come out of swonyng,
1738 And hadde witt, and my felyng,
1739 I was all maate, and wende full well
1740 Of bloode have loren a full gret dell.
1741 But certes, the arowe that in me stode
1742 Of me ne drewe no drope of blode,
1743 ffor why I founde my wounde all drie.
1744 Thanne toke I with myn hondis tweie
1745 The arowe, and ful fast out it plight,
1746 And in the pullyng sore I sight.