The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 32 versoBackBACKBackF32r Folio 32 recto   Folio 33 recto F33r

1699   That kynde hath sett thorough his knowyng
1700   Aboute the rede roses spryngyng.
1701   The stalke was as rish right,
1702   And theron stode the knoppe upright,
1703   That it ne bowide upon no side.
1704   The swote smelle spronge so wide
1705   That it dide all the place Aboute
1706   Whanne I hadde smelled the savour swote,
1707   No will hadde I fro thens yit goo,
1708   But somdell neer it wente I thoo,
1709   To take it; but myn hond, for drede,
1710   Ne dorste I to the rose bede,
1711   ffor thesteles sharpe, of many maners,
1712   Netles, thornes, and hokede breres;
1713   ffor mych they distourbled me,
1714   ffor sore I dradde to harmed be.
1715   Te god of love, with bowe bent,
1716   That all day sette hadde his talent
1717   To pursuen and to spien me,
1718   Was stondyng by a fige tree.
1719   And whanne he sawe hou that I
1720   Hadde chosen so ententifly
1721   The botheum, more unto my paie
1722   Than ony other that I say,