The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 32 rectoBackBACKBackF31v Folio 31 verso   Folio 32 verso F32v

1675   Of knoppes clos, some sawe I there,
1676   And some wel beter woxen were;
1677   And some ther ben of other moysoun,
1678   That drowe nyght to her sesoun,
1679   And spedde hem fast forto sprede;
1680   I love well sich roses rede;
1681   ffor brode roses, and open Also,
1682   Ben passed in a day or two;
1683   But knoppes will fresh be
1684   Two dayes atte leest, or thre.
1685   The knoppes gretly liked me,
1686   ffor fairer may ther no man se.
1687   Who so myght have oon of All,
1688   It ought hym ben full lief withall.
1689   Might I gerlond of hem geten,
1690   ffor no richesse I wolde it leten.
1691   Among the knoppes I chese oon
1692   So faire, that of the remenaunt noon
1693   Ne preise I half so well as it,
1694   Whanne I avise it in my wit.
1695   ffor it so well was enlomyned
1696   With colour reed, as well fyned
1697   As nature couthe it make faire.
1698   And it hath leves wel foure paire,