The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 31 versoBackBACKBackF31r Folio 31 recto   Folio 32 recto F32r

1651   A roser chargid full of rosis,
1652   That with an hegge aboute enclosid is.
1653   Tho had I sich lust and envie,
1654   That, for Parys ne for Pavie,
1655   Nolde I have left to goon att see
1656   There grettist hepe of roses be.
1657   Whanne I was with this rage hent,
1658   That caught hath many a man and shent,
1659   Toward the roser gan I go.
1660   And whanne I was not fer therfro,
1661   The savour of the roses swote
1662   Me smote right to the herte rote,
1663   As I hadde all enbawmed me
1664   And if I ne hadde endouted me
1665   To have ben hatid or Assailed,
1666   My thankis, wole I not have failed
1667   To pulle a rose of all that route
1668   To bere in myn honde Aboute,
1669   And smellen to it where I wente;
1670   But ever I dredde me to repente,
1671   And leste it grevede or forthought
1672   The lord that thilk gardyn wrought.
1673   Of roses ther were grete wone,
1674   So faire waxe never in rone.