The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 31 rectoBackBACKBackF30v Folio 30 verso   Folio 31 verso F31v

1627   The welle of love, of verray right,
1628   Of which ther hath ful many a wight
1629   Spoke in bookis dyversely.
1630   But they shull never so verily
1631   Descripcioun of the welle heere,
1632   Ne eke the sothe of this matere,
1633   As ye shull, whanne I have undo
1634   The craft that hir bilongith too.
1635   Allway me liked forto dwelle,
1636   To sene the cristall in the welle,
1637   That shewide me full openly
1638   A thousand thinges fast by.
1639   But I may say, in sory houre
1640   Stode I to loken or to poure;
1641   ffor sithen I sore sighede,
1642   That mirrour hath me now entriked.
1643   But hadde I first knowen in my wit
1644   The vertues and strengthes of it,
1645   I nolde not have mused there;
1646   Me had bette bene ellis where;
1647   ffor in the snare I fell Anoon,
1648   That hath bitrisshed many oon.
1649   In thilk mirrour sawe I tho,
1650   Among a thousand thinges mo,