The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 30 versoBackBACKBackF30r Folio 30 recto   Folio 31 recto F31r

1603   Sawe all his face faire and bright,
1604   That made hym swithe to ligge upright.
1605   ffor whoso loketh in that mirrour,
1606   Ther may no thyng ben his socour
1607   That he ne shall there sene some thyng
1608   That shal hym lede into laughyng
1609   ffull many worthy man hat it
1610   Blent; for folk of grettist wit
1611   Ben soone caught heere and Awayted;
1612   Withouten respite ben they baited.
1613   Heere comth to folk of newe rage,
1614   Heere chaungith many wight corage;
1615   Heere lith no rede ne witte therto;
1616   ffor Venus sone, daun Cupido,
1617   Hath sowne there of love the seed,
1618   That help ne lith there noon, ne rede,
1619   So cerclith it the welle Aboute.
1620   His gynnes hath he sett withoute
1621   Ryght forto cacche in his panters
1622   These damoysels and bachelers.
1623   Love will noon other bridde cacche,
1624   Though he sette oither nette or lacche.
1625   And for the seed that heere was sowen,
1626   This welle is clepid, as well is knowen,