1579 Yitt hath the merveilous cristall
1580 Such strengthe, that the place ovall,
1581 Bothe foule and tree, and leves grene,
1582 And al the yerde in it is seene.
1583 And forto don you to undirstonde,
1584 To make ensample wole I fonde;
1585 Ryght as a myrrour openly
1586 Shewith all thing that stondith therby,
1587 As well the colour as the figure,
1588 Withouten any coverture;
1589 Right so the cristal stoon, shyning,
1590 Withouten ony disseyvyng,
1591 The entrees of the yerde Accusith
1592 To hym that in the water musith;
1593 ffor evere, in which half that ye be,
1594 Ye may well half the gardyne se;
1595 And if he turne, he may right well
1596 Sene the remenaunt everydell.
1597 ffor ther is noon so litil thyng
1598 So hidde, ne closid with shittyng,
1599 That it ne is sene, as though it were
1600 Peyntid in the cristall there.
1601 This is the mirrour pilous,
1602 In which the proude Narcisus