The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 29 rectoBackBACKBackF28v Folio 28 verso   Folio 29 verso F29v

1531   ffor whanne he saugh that he his will
1532   Myght in no maner wey fulfill,
1533   And that he was so faste caught
1534   That he hym kouthe comforte nought,
1535   He loste his witte right in that place,
1536   And diede withynne a lytel space.
1537   And thus his warisoun he took
1538   ffor the lady that he forsook.
1539   Ladyes, I preye ensample takith,
1540   Ye that ageyns youre love mistakith:
1541   ffor if her deth be yow to wite,
1542   God kan ful well youre while quyte.
1543   Whanne that this lettre, of which I telle,
1544   Hadde taught me that it was the welle
1545   Of Narcisus in his beaute,
1546   I gan anoon withdrawe me,
1547   Whanne it felle in my remembraunce,
1548   That hym bitidde such myschaunce.
1549   But at the laste thanne thought I,
1550   That scathles, full sykerly,
1551   I myght unto the welle goo.
1552   Wherof shulde I abaisshen soo?
1553   Unto the welle than wente I me,
1554   And doun I loutede forto see