The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 28 versoBackBACKBackF28r Folio 28 recto   Folio 29 recto F29r

1507   And was for thurst in grete distresse
1508   Of heet, and of his werynesse
1509   That hadde his breth almost bynomen.
1510   Whanne he was to that wel comen,
1511   That shadowid was with braunches grene,
1512   He thoughte of thilke water shene
1513   To drynke and fresshe hym wel withall;
1514   And doun on knees he gan to fall,
1515   And forth his heed and necke he straught
1516   To drynken of that welle a draught.
1517   And in the water anoon was seen
1518   His nose, his mouth, his yen sheen,
1519   And he therof was all Abasshed;
1520   His owne shadowe was hym bytrasshed.
1521   ffor well wende he the forme see
1522   Of a child of gret beaute.
1523   Well kouthe love hym wreke thoo
1524   Of daunger and of pride Also,
1525   That Narcisus somtyme hym beere.
1526   He quytte hym well his guerdoun there;
1527   ffor he musede so in the welle,
1528   That, shortly all the sothe to telle,
1529   He lovede his owne shadowe soo,
1530   That atte laste he starf for woo.