The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 28 rectoBackBACKBackMissing Missing   Folio 28 verso F28v

1483   That he nolde graunte hir Askyng,
1484   ffor wepyng, ne for faire praiyng.
1485   And whanne she herd hym werne soo,
1486   She hadde in herte so gret woo,
1487   And took it in so gret dispite,
1488   That she, withoute more respite,
1489   Was deed anoon. But, er she dide,
1490   fful pitously to god she preide,
1491   That proude hertid Narcisus,
1492   That was in love so daungerous,
1493   Myght on a day be hampred so
1494   ffor love, and ben so hoot for woo,
1495   That never he myght Ioye Atteygne;
1496   And that he shulde feele in evey veyne
1497   What sorowe trewe lovers maken,
1498   That ben so velaynesly forsaken.
1499   This prayer was but resonable,
1500   Therefore god helde it forme and stable:
1501   ffor Narcisus, shortly to telle,
1502   By aventure come to that welle
1503   To resten hym in that shadowing
1504   A day, whanne he come fro huntyng.
1505   This Narcisus hadde suffred paynes
1506   ffor rennyng alday in the playnes,