1363 And almandres gret plente,
1364 ffyges, and many a date tree
1365 There wexen, if men hadde nede,
1366 Thorough the gardyn in length and brede.
1367 Ther was eke wexyng many a spice,
1368 As clowe gelofre, and lycorice,
1369 Gyngevre, and greyn de parys,
1370 Canell, and setewale of prys,
1371 And many a spice delitable,
1372 To eten whan men rise fro table.
1373 And many homly trees ther were,
1374 That peches, coynes, and apples beere,
1375 Medlers, plowmes, perys, chesteyns,
1376 Cherys, of which many oon fayne is,
1377 Notes, aleys, and bolas,
1378 That forto seen it was solas;
1379 With many high lorey and pyn
1380 Was renged clene all that gardyn;
1381 With cipres, and with olyvers,
1382 Of which that nygh no plente heere is.
1383 There were elmes grete and stronge,
1384 Maples, asshe, oke, aspe, planes longe,
1385 ffyne ew, popler, and lyndes faire,
1386 And othere trees full many a payre.