The Romaunt of the Rose
MissingBackF27v Folio 27 verso   Missing Missing
This image taken from the Thynne printed edition


1387   What sholde I telle you more of it?
1388   Ther were so many treës yit,
1389   That I sholde al encombred be
1390   Er I had rekened every tree.
1391   These trees were set, that I devyse,
1392   Oon from another, in Assyse,
1393   Five fadome or sixe, I trowe so,
1394   But they were hye and grete Also:
1395   And for to kepe out wel the sonne,
1396   The croppes were so thikke y-ronne,
1397   And every braunch in other knet,
1398   And ful of grene leves set,
1399   That sonne mighte noon descende,
1400   Lest [it] the tendre grasses shende.
1401   Ther mighte men does and roes y-see,
1402   And of squirels ful greet plentee,
1403   From bough to bough alwey leping.
1404   Conies ther were also playing,
1405   That comen out of hir claperes
1406   Of sondry colours and maneres,
1407   And maden many a turneying
1408   Upon the fresshe gras springing.
1409   In places saw I welles there,
1410   In whiche ther no frogges were,