The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 27 rectoBackBACKBackF26v Folio 26 verso   Folio 27 verso F27v

1339   Now god that sittith in mageste
1340   ffro deedly woundes he kepe me,
1341   If so be that he hadde me shette;
1342   ffor if I with his arowe mette,
1343   It hadde me greved sore iwys
1344   But I, that no thyng wist of this,
1345   Wente up and doun full many Awey,
1346   And he me folwed fast Alwey;
1347   But no where wold I reste me,
1348   Till I hadde in all the gardyn be.
1349   The gardyn was, by mesuryng,
1350   Right evene and square in compassing;
1351   It as long was as it was large.
1352   Of fruyt hadde every tree his charge,
1353   But it were any hidous tree
1354   Of which ther were two or three.
1355   There were, and that wote I full well,
1356   Of pome garnettys a full gret dell;
1357   That is a fruyt full well to lyke,
1358   Namely to folk whanne they ben sike.
1359   And trees there were, of gret foisoun,
1360   That baren notes in her sesoun,
1361   Such as men notemygges calle,
1362   That swote of savour ben with All.