The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 26 versoBackBACKBackF26r Folio 26 recto   Folio 27 recto F27r

1315   The daunces thanne eended were;
1316   ffor many of hem that daunced there
1317   Were with hir loves went Awey
1318   Undir the trees to have her pley.
1319   A, lord! they lyved lustyly!
1320   A gret fool were he, sikirly,
1321   That nolde, his thankes, such lyf lede!
1322   ffor this dar I seyn, oute of drede,
1323   That who so myght so wel fare,
1324   ffor better lyf durst hym not care;
1325   ffor ther nis so good paradys
1326   As to have a love at his devys.
1327   Oute of that place wente I thoo,
1328   And in that gardyn gan I goo,
1329   Pleyyng alonge full meryly.
1330   The God of love full hastely
1331   Unto him swete lokyng clepte,
1332   No lenger wolde he that she kepte
1333   His bowe of gold, that shoon so bright.
1334   He hadde hym bent anoon ryght;
1335   And he ful soone sette an ende,
1336   And at a braid he gan it bende,
1337   And toke hym of his arowes fyve,
1338   ffull sharp and redy forto dryve.