The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 25 versoBackBACKBackF25r Folio 25 recto   Folio 26 recto F26r

1267   And by hir wente a knyght dauncyng
1268   That worthy was and wel spekyng,
1269   And ful wel koude he don honour.
1270   The knyght was faire and styf in stour,
1271   And in armure a semely man,
1272   And wel biloved of his lemman.
1273   ffaire Idilnesse thanne saugh I,
1274   That alwey was me fast by.
1275   Of hir have I, without fayle,
1276   Told yow the shap and Apparayle;
1277   ffor as I seide loo, that was she
1278   That dide to me so gret bounte,
1279   That she the gate of the gardyn
1280   Undide, and lete me passen in.
1281   And after daunced, as I gesse,
1282   And she fulfilled of lustynesse,
1283   That nas not yit xii yeer of Age,
1284   With herte wylde, and thought volage;
1285   Nyce she was, but she ne mente
1286   Noon harme ne slight in hir entente,
1287   But oonly lust and iolyte.
1288   ffor yong folk, wole witen ye,
1289   Have lytel thought but on her play.
1290   Hir lemman was biside Alway,