The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 25 rectoBackBACKBackF24v Folio 24 verso   Folio 25 verso F25v

1243   The whyte roket, rydled faire,
1244   Bitokeneth, that full debonaire
1245   And swete was she that it bere.
1246   Bi hir daunced a bachelere;
1247   I can not telle you what he hight,
1248   But faire he was, and of good hight,
1249   All hadde he be, I sey no more,
1250   The lordis sone of wyndesore.
1251   And next that daunced curtesye,
1252   That preised was of lowe and hye,
1253   ffor neither proude ne foole was she.
1254   She forto daunce called me,
1255   I pray god yeve hir right good grace!
1256   Whanne I come first into the place.
1257   She was not nyce, ne outrageous,
1258   But wys and ware, and vertuous,
1259   Of faire speche, and of faire Answere;
1260   Was never wight mysseid of hire;
1261   She bar rancour to no wight.
1262   Clere broune she was, and therto bright
1263   Of face, of body wenaunt;
1264   I wot no lady so plesaunt.
1265   She worthy forto bene
1266   An emperesse or crowned quene.