The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 24 rectoBackBACKBackF23v Folio 23 verso   Folio 24 verso F24v

1195   ffor thorough hir smokke, wrought with silk,
1196   The flesh was seen, as white as mylk.
1197   Largesse, that worthy was and wys,
1198   Hilde by the honde a knyght of prys,
1199   Was sibbe to Artour of Britaigne.
1200   And that was he that bare the ensaigne
1201   Of worship, and the gousfaucoun
1202   And yit he is of sich renoun,
1203   That men of hym seye faire thynges
1204   Byfore barouns, erles, and kynges.
1205   This knyght was comen all newly
1206   ffro tourneryng faste by;
1207   The hadde he don gret chyvalrie
1208   Thorough his vertu and his maistrie;
1209   And for the love of his lemman
1210   He caste doun many a doughty man.
1211   And next hym daunced dame ffraunchise,
1212   Arayed in full noble gyse.
1213   She was not broune ne dunne of hewe,
1214   But white as snowe fall newe.
1215   Hir nose was wrought at poynt devys,
1216   ffor it was gentyl and tretys;
1217   With eyen gladde, and browes bente;
1218   Hir here doun to hir helis wente.