The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 21 versoBackBACKBackF21r Folio 21 recto   Folio 22 recto F22r

1077   And portraied in the ribanynges
1078   Of dukes storyes, and of kynges.
1079   And with a bend of gold tasseled,
1080   And knoppis fyne of gold enameled.
1081   Aboute hir nekke of gentyl entayle
1082   Was shete the riche chevesaile,
1083   In which ther was full gret plente
1084   Of stones clere and bright to see.
1085   Rychesse a girdell hadde upon,
1086   The bokele of it was of a stoon
1087   Of vertu gret, and mochel of myght;
1088   ffor who so bare the stoon so bright,
1089   Of venym durst hym no thing doute,
1090   While he the stoon hadde him Aboute.
1091   That stoon was gretly forto love,
1092   And tyl a riche man byhove
1093   Worth all the gold in Rome and Frise.
1094   The mourdaunt, wrought in noble wise,
1095   Was of a stoon full precious,
1096   That was so fyne and vertuous,
1097   That hole a man it koude make
1098   Of palasie, and of tothe Ake.
1099   And yit the stoon hadde such a grace,
1100   That he was siker in every place,