The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 22 rectoBackBACKBackF21v Folio 21 verso   Folio 22 verso F22v

1101   All thilk day, not blynde to bene,
1102   That fastyng myght that stoon seene.
1103   The barres were of gold ful fyne,
1104   Upon a tyssu of satyne,
1105   ffull hevy, gret, and no thyng lyght,
1106   In everiche was a besaunt wight.
1107   Upon the tresses of Richesse
1108   Was sette a cercle, for noblesse,
1109   Of brend gold, that full lyght shoon;
1110   So faire, trowe I, was never noon.
1111   But she were kunnyng, for the nonys,
1112   That koude devyse all the stonys
1113   That in that cercle shewen clere;
1114   It is a wondir thing to here.
1115   ffor no man koude preyse or gesse
1116   Of hem the valewe or richesse.
1117   Rubyes there were, saphires, ragounces,
1118   And emeraudes, more than two ounces.
1119   But all byfore, ful sotilly,
1120   A fyn charboncle sette saugh I.
1121   The stoon so cleer was and so bright,
1122   That, al so soone as it was nyght,
1123   Men myght seen to go, for nede,
1124   A myle or two, in lengthe and brede.