The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 21 rectoBackBACKBackF20v Folio 20 verso   Folio 21 verso F21v

1053   fforto dispreisen, and to blame
1054   That best deserven love and name.
1055   Bifore the folk, hem to bigilen,
1056   These losengeris hem preyse, and smylen,
1057   And thus the world with word Anoynten;
1058   And aftirward they prile and poynten
1059   The folk right to the bare boon,
1060   Bihynde her bak whan they ben goon,
1061   And foule abate the folkis prys.
1062   fful many a worthy man ywys,
1063   An hundrid, have do to dye,
1064   These losengers, thorough flaterye;
1065   Have maad folk ful straunge be,
1066   There hem ought be pryve.
1067   Wel yvel mote they thryve and thee,
1068   And yvel achyued mote they be,
1069   These losengers, ful of envye!
1070   No good man loveth her companye.
1071   Richesse a robe of purpur on hadde,
1072   Ne trowe not that I lye or madde;
1073   ffor in this world is noon hir lyche,
1074   Ne by a thousand deell so riche,
1075   Ne noon so faire; for it ful well
1076   With orfrays leyd was everydeell,